The mountain is honest and simple!


Less is more! The feeling of being overwhelmed by the superfluous and unimportant has always awakened a longing for a less complicated life. Even in ancient Rome, simplicitas was a high, if rarely practised, virtue. For Leonardo da Vinci, the great Italian painter, sculptor and architect, simplicity was the highest level of perfection; and the German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once apologised with the words: ‘I am writing you a long letter because I have no time to write a short one’.

However, simple has long since ceased to be simple.

But the dilemma is far from hopeless. The key is to reduce and concentrate on the essentials. Or to put it in the words of French writer and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: ‘Perfection comes not when you can add nothing more, but when you can take nothing more away.’ Simplicity is then usually sought in a supposedly better, simpler and more leisurely way of life.

The mountain is honest and simple,

We want to emulate it. Love, time, dedication - perhaps these are very simple values, and yet they can no longer be taken for granted. It is precisely these precious moments of today, of memories and of becoming, which can be experienced so strongly in this place, that connect us humans to the Kohlern like an invisible thread. Those who come here seek to come to themselves and to us. In simplicity. That is what we want to give you.